Charlton join Pancreatic Cancer UK to Unite, Diagnose and Save Lives at tonight’s game

To celebrate the launch of Pancreatic Cancer UK’s newest campaign, Unite-Diagnose-SaveLives we will be supporting them at tonight’s game. 

A cancer diagnosis is a difficult and life changing moment for anyone. To be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is especially devastating. It is the deadliest common cancer with a prognosis that has barely changed in decades. The simple facts are: 

• 10,000 people are diagnosed each year – 27 people every day 

• 1 in 4 people die within a month of diagnosis, and 3 in 4 within a year 

• The disease receives just 2% of the annual UK cancer research budget - three times less than breast cancer

Whilst significant progress has been made in other cancers, pancreatic cancer has remained side-lined, with devastating consequences. Pancreatic Cancer UK is determined to change this and we are taking a stand with them.  

There will be a bucket collection at today's game for fans to Pancreatic Cancer UK.


We have joined forces with the charity because we believe it’s time many more people with pancreatic cancer get a diagnosis early enough to be saved instead of far too late. 

Unlike other cancers, doctors have no simple way of spotting pancreatic cancer. No blood test, no screening, no simple test.

That’s why their new campaign Unite Diagnose Save Lives is taking a stand for early diagnosis and inviting others to join them. They want doctors to have a simple test for early diagnosis and are investing into research to make sure this happens by 2024.  

We hope you will take a stand with us and Pancreatic Cancer UK to unite to fight for early diagnosis 

Have you been affected?

If you or anyone you know has been affected by pancreatic cancer, you can find more information about the disease and the confidential support services Pancreatic Cancer UK offer here or call our dedicated support line on 0808 801 0707 (10am - 4pm Monday – Friday) 

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