Fans who have purchased a pass for today’s game against Cardiff City, which kicks-off at 6pm, can watch their live stream as follows:
Click here to watch on laptop or desktop:
If you are trying to access the game on a mobile or tablet you have to download the Valley Pass app, to watch the stream simply click the ‘live’ button.
We would recommend tuning in between 5pm and 5.30pm to give yourself time to solve any problems.
Remember, if you purchased with CAFC Cash or through the ticketing website, you will need to redeem a code to access live streaming.
If you purchased directly through Valley Pass you do not need a code.
If you have any questions or queries please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Fans from around the world can watch Tuesday’s game against Cardiff City, click here to purchase your pass.
Please note, the test stream finishes at 4pm, so if you try and access the test stream between 4pm and 5pm, you will only be able to see a blank screen.