Health and Safety
Charlton Athletic Women’s Football Club (CAWFC) acknowledges and accepts its legal responsibilities under section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, for securing, so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, staff, players, spectators and other visitors who may be affected by its activities.
The policy of CAWFC is to:
(a) Identify the hazards caused during activities, and adequately control any significant risks arising.
(b) Maintain healthy and safe working and playing conditions, including provision of safe plant and equipment.
(c) Work, through continuous improvement, to prevent accidents and work related ill health.
(d) Ensure that those working for or on behalf of CAWFC are competent to do their work through a combination of experience and appropriate instruction and training.
(e) Ensure safe transport, storage, handling and use of all equipment and materials.
(f) Consult with employees, staff and players where appropriate on health and safety issues affecting their well-being, giving them necessary information, instruction, training and supervision.
This policy will be reviewed at least annually.
Signed: Thomas Sandgaard
Owner, Chairman and CEO
Date: 25/02/2022
PART TWO – Organisation
The following details: 1) the organisation structure for health and safety and 2) the responsibilities of all employees, staff and players under the structure.
Chairman – Management Committee
The Chairman – Management Committee has overall responsibility for the effective planning and implementation of the health and safety policy, ensuring that, so far as reasonably practicable, adequate personnel and resources are made available to fulfil these responsibilities.
In particular, he is responsible for:
(a) Ensuring that adequate funds and personnel and resources are available to meet those requirements of the policy.
(b) Ensuring that health and safety is taken into account when planning and organising the activities of CAWFC.
(c) Ensuring the co-operation of everyone with responsibilities under this policy, with a view to maintaining and complying with procedures and standards.
(d) Setting and reviewing health and safety procedures and standards.
(e) Ensuring that this policy is disseminated to all staff and players.
(f) Setting out the expectations of CAWFC for delivering effective health and safety.
(g) Showing commitment to continuous improvement.
(h) Having in place a consultation process for matters relating to health and safety.
(i) Review the health and safety performance regularly, and the policy at least annually.
(j) Ensuring adequate resources.
Management Committee
The responsibilities of the Management Committee, so far as reasonably practicable, are to:
(a) Ensure the health, safety and welfare of persons under their control.
(b) Ensure all equipment provided is safe, well-maintained and suitable for purpose.
(c) Maintain safe practices and take appropriate action to correct any deficiencies.
(d) Assist in bringing to the attention of employees the health and safety policy.
(e) Lead by example.
(f) Conduct risk assessments and develop safety systems of work if competent to do so, or:
(g) Co-operate with external health and safety specialists appointed by CAWFC.
(h) Bring to the attention of the Chairman – Management Committee any training needs for themselves.
Employees, Staff and Players
CAWFC encourages all employees, staff and players to be actively involved in maintaining safe operating conditions and practices. This requires them to:
(a) Read, understand and accept responsibilities contained within the policy.
(b) Co-operate with CAWFC to enable the policy to be met.
(c) Behave in such a manner that you do not put yourself or others at risk through your activities.
(d) Notify a responsible person of any matters that result in a significant risk to health and safety.
(e) Properly follow any training, instruction or advice that has been given.
(f) Use, handle and store all items of equipment in an appropriate manner.
(g) Bring to the attention of management any training needs for themselves relating to health and safety.
(h) Do not interfere with, or recklessly misuse, anything provided in the interest of health and safety.
(i) Report all accidents, injuries and near-misses to a responsible person.
PART THREE – Arrangements
1. Accident Reporting
This section applies only to off-field incidents and injuries.
Any accident, however minor, should be reported to a responsible person and an Incident/Accident Report Form completed and given to the General Manager who will maintain a record in the Accident Folder.
Near-miss incidents should also be reported so that steps can be taken to prevent recurrence.
Any injuries, diseases or dangerous occurrences, which are ‘reportable’ under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR), will be reported by Stephen King and a record will be kept together with the accident folder.
All accidents will be investigated in an appropriate manner.
2. Disabled Access
In conjunction with the person responsible for the site concerned, CAWFC will make reasonable adjustments to allow access to visitors with physical or mental impairments.
3. Electrical Equipment
Before using any electrical equipment, plugs, cables and equipment housing must be checked for damage. If there is any damage, no matter how small, the equipment must not be used. It must be taken out of use immediately. This applies to personal equipment as well as anything supplied by CAWFC.
4. Fire Precautions
Green and white signs incorporating a pictogram of the ‘running man’ indicate designated fire exits. Everyone should check the location of fire exits and should never block any fire exit doors or passageways at any time.
Where fire safety notices are displayed at the premises, they should be read and understood. A standard procedure for fire safety is given below:
1) Operate the fire alarm by breaking the glass panel. If there is no alarm system installed, shout: “FIRE !”
2) Warn anyone in the vicinity of the fire and ask someone to call the fire brigade.
3) Having checked for a safe escape route behind you assess whether you are able to tackle the fire with a fire appliance.
4) In no circumstances should you take a personal risk.
5) Leave the premises by the nearest available exit.
6) Go to the fire assembly point.
5. First Aid
This section is primarily intended to cover treatment for injury or illness given off-field, as trained Physiotherapists will take charge in the case of sporting injury.
The purpose of first-aid is to maintain life in an emergency until professional help is available, and to prevent a health condition or injury from deteriorating.
All coaches have been trained in first-aid and a first-aider will be present at all events and locations used by CAWFC.
The Head Physiotherapist is nominated to oversee the stock levels of the first-aid equipment used at home venues and during travel to matches.
6. Hazardous Substances
CAWFC will undertake assessments of any processes and areas that use or store hazardous substances. We will issue specific procedures and recommendations for any particular work process that involves a degree of risk to individuals.
Everyone should familiarise themselves with typical safety signage and hazard symbols expected on the products that they may encounter. These could include cleaning materials, pesticides and fertilisers.
7. Housekeeping
Each individual is responsible for keeping his or her area clean and tidy.
All waste must be placed in rubbish containers provided.
8. Manual Handling:
Poor lifting technique can result in musculoskeletal disorders. They involve muscles, tendons, joints and the skeleton (particularly the back, hands and arms).
Ensure that you assess any lifting operation according to the following criteria:
Task: Twisting, stooping, excessive movements, repetitive movements, frequent movements
Load: Heavy, bulky, unpredictable, unstable
Working Environment: Temperature, flooring, lighting, posture constraints
Individual Capability: Unusual capability required, poor health, pre-existing health problem (eg bad back)
Do not undertake any manual handling task that you do not feel is safe to complete. NEVER put yourself at risk.
Make full use of any lifting or carrying equipment that has been provided.
9. Risk Assessment
Every venue used by CAWFC for home matches or training must have a risk assessment carried out, and this will be reviewed a minimum of once per year.
The significant findings of the assessment will be recorded and communicated to those at risk, along with the control measures required to reduce risks to acceptable levels.
10. Smoking
Smoking is discouraged in a sporting environment as it sets a poor example as well as being harmful to health. It is also a fire hazard.
Everyone must observe site policies on smoking, which include compliance with legislation that prohibits smoking in enclosed spaces and inside every football stadium.
11. Staff Induction
Newcomers to CAWFC will be given a breifing to familiarise them with certain aspects of our policies and procedures. A copy of this policy will be handed to each person.
12. Vehicle Movements
There are serious risks associated with moving vehicles around car parking areas. The primary hazards are collisions with pedestrians and other vehicles or property. To reduce risks involved in this activity, you should observe the following control measures:
- Vehicle movements should be supervised in restricted spaces
- The specified speed limits should always be observed
- Do not use a mobile telephone nor wear earphones when driving
13. Visitors
CAWFC is responsible for the safety of visitors to the premises it is using. The person responsible for the visitors must ensure that they are briefed on any significant hazards and are told of any rules that may affect them in the relevant area(s).
14. Welfare
CAWFC will ensure that each venue used is properly equipped with drinking water, toilet and washing facilities, and an enclosed changing room area. This section is in addition to player welfare issues that are covered by other CAWFC rules and FA requirements.