School Sport Offer
Charlton Athletic Community Trust (CACT) is pleased to offer schools within Greenwich, Bexley, Bromley and Kent an opportunity to take up a school-specific Primary School Sport offer over a full or half-day.
Aims of School Provision
- Promote good health & wellbeing
- Inspire young people
- Provide opportunities
- Help develop children’s confidence and skills & abilities (social, technical and mental)
- Bring people together/community spirit
School Offer Programmes
- Premier League Primary Stars
- EFL Joy of Moving
- PPA/Physical Education
- Charlton Reading Squad
- Floyd’s Life Skills
- Teacher Delivery Support
- Extra-Curricular Clubs
- Charlton Athletic FC Schools Partnership
- First Aid for Children
Click here to read the CACT Primary Schools Provision brochure
Premier League Primary Stars programme
Premier League Primary Stars is an education programme which aims to inspire learning, promote an active lifestyle and develop important life skills.
The programme targets two main beneficiaries; young people aged 5-11 years old and primary school teachers.
For teachers, the aim is to increase their confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE. For young people, the aim is to provide engaging sessions that increase enjoyment and participation in sport and physical activity. Furthermore, we deliver PSHE, English and Maths sessions in order to improve attainment, school engagement and aid social development.
CACT’s Primary Stars delivery is bespoke to each school in order to achieve maximum impact on pupils, the school and our local community.
Successes of the programme include:
- Improved teachers’ confidence of delivering PE and sport
- Increased pupils’ enjoyment of PE & sports
- Improved pupils’ attitudes towards learning (English, Maths & PSHE)
- Improved pupil attendance
- Increased participation in competitive sport and activities
Joy of Moving programme

CACT delivers a programme for schools in Greenwich and Kent in partnership with Ferrero and the EFL Trust. It is part of Ferrero’s global Kinder+Sport initiative to encourage children to take part in physical activity, build awareness of the importance of a healthy diet and adopt an active lifestyle.
Over the course of six weeks, Key Stage 2 children will spend nine hours learning about the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Each week, the children will take part in a 90 minute session; spending 45 minutes in the classroom covering six different topics related to the body, nutrition, the importance of exercise and information about food groups, in line with the recommendations in the Government’s eatwell plate; and then they will spend 45 minutes taking part in a practical session.
These sessions inspire children to move through play whilst developing key skills in four major areas: physical fitness, motor coordination, cognitive functions, creativity and life skills. Each game combines different elements of these four key areas. It is the combination of these vital skills within the games which help children to learn in an engaging way.
For more information, please contact Josh Covill, CACT's Football & Sports Development Coach, on
For World Book Day, Charlton Athletic's Miles Leaburn visited Alexander McLeod Primary School as part of the Premier League Primary Stars programme. Take a look at what happened when Miles helped to run a workshop on reading.
CACT Coach Jay Samuels has been working with students from Bedonwell Junior School on a Sports Champions programme. Take a look at what they've been up to and the impact of the programme so far.
CACT Coach Ivan Donaldson has been working with Wingfield Primary School and has helped them to set up their first ever girls football team. Since then, Ivan has been running regular sessions with the team and organising matches with local schools. Find out more here.
11-year-old Kairelle has been working with CACT Coach Leon on a one-to-one basis since September to help improve his confidence, behaviour and engagement with his peers. After having regular sessions with Leon, Kairelle's behaviour improved significantly and due to showing a commitment to engaging with his peers in a positive way, he has now been awarded the title of a prefect within his school which is an outstanding achievement. Read more about Kairelle's story here.
CACT's Premier League Primary Stars Officer Fran Ojo has been supporting Belvedere Junior School with maths and english intervention sessions as well as teacher CPD for physical education. We recently visited one of her maths intervention sessions as part of National Numeracy Day.